About Us

The organization "M'ChaYa", meaning "life giving" has been established in loving memory of Chaya Malka Yehudis Bordoff. The basis of this organization represents the essence of Chaya Malka - the exceptional qualities of kindness and giving. Malka was truly a malach rachamim, an angel of mercy. Throughout her many years of painful suffering, Malka's concern was never for herself, but for the well-being of others. Whenever greeted by her, each person received a warm hello and inquiries of well being. One always felt genuine care and interest from Malka. Regardless of her condition, she always radiated joy, love and sincerity, bringing feelings of happiness and warmth to all around her. Her hospitality knew no bounds. Even in her greatest pain, when she should have been the recipient of bikur cholim, the mitzvah of visiting the sick, she was out visiting others in need of comfort and support. Malka was truly an Eshes Chayil, a woman of valor, with such strength, an always positive outlook, as well as dee ep wisdom and understanding.


M'ChaYa is a branch of a previously formed organization called Shifra & Puah. Malka was a living example of the special qualities and power of these righteous woman in Tanach. Shifra and Puah were truly women of valor. Without hesitance, they risked their lives to preserve the Jewish nation, by defying the decree to kill all infant boys. They cared for these infants with such love and concern, as Rashi states that the meaning of their names is that they beautified the babies and comforted them. Just like these women, Malka cared for all those around her, regardless of her condition. In her z'chut and memory shall the quality of giving be carried on and extended to the community, to help others in need, as she did so regally. From the merits of this tzedakah, may Malka's neshamah have a speedy aliyah, Amen.

Shifra V'Puah History
For over 30 years Shifra V'Puah took care of the meals for new mothers and their families. We now hope to continue and grow in this realm.

Shifra V'Puah M'ChaYa
Shifra V'Puah has added Mechaya to its name. M'ChaYa means to give life and is also an acronym for Chaya Malka Yehudis.

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